Before And After Special Effects.


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Before And After Special Effects.
Score: 4.8 / 6
Category: Lifestyle

Before And After Special Effects. Would any of you still watch movies without Visual Effects? Neither Ang nor his winning cinematographer, Claudio Miranda felt they needed to thank or even mention the VFX artists who made the sky, the ocean, the ship, the island, the meerkatsand oh yeah ... the tiger. Ang thanked the crew, the actors, his agent, his lawyer and the entire country of Taiwan right down to the team that built the wave-pool on the soundstage where Pi was shot. But failed to mention 100s of artists who made not only the main character of the tiger, but replaced that pool, making it look like a real ocean for 80% of his movie." We are not technicians. We are artists. Without them we wouldn't have a movie. Likewise, without US they wouldn't have a movie. We're part of the film making too. Respect Visual Effect Artists.

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