Famous Historical Pictures In Color


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Famous Historical Pictures In Color
Score: 4.8 / 6
Category: Lifestyle

Abandoned boy holding a stuffed toy animal. London 1945. Hindenburg Disaster - May 6, 1937. Japanese Archers circa 1860. View from Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee During the Civil War, 1864. Unemployed lumber worker, circa 1939. Audrey Hepburn. Albert Einstein, Summer 1939 Nassau Point, Long Island, NY. Joseph Goebbels scowling at photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt after finding out he's Jewish, 1933. Young boy in Baltimore slum area, July 1938. British troops cheerfully board their train for the first stage of their trip to the front - England, September 20, 1939. Oscar II, King of Sweden and Norway, 1880. Walt Whitman, 1887. Mark Twain in the garden, circa 1900. Charlie Chaplin at the age of 27, 1916. Elizabeth Taylor - Giant (1956 film). 'Old Gold', Country store, 1939. Auto Wreck in Washington D.C, 1921. Charles Darwin. Abraham Lincoln, 1865. Theodore Roosevelt. Thich Quang Due, 1963. Anne Frank, 1942. Winston Churchill. Thomas Edison. Nikola Tesla. H-Bomb Test. Kissing the War Goodbye, V-J Day August 14, 1945.

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