Are Celebrities Actually Time Travelers?


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Are Celebrities Actually Time Travelers?
Score: 4.8 / 6
Category: Lifestyle

Leonardo DiCaprio ...or Judy Zipper, from a photo taken in the 1960's
Bruce Willis and General Douglas MacArthur
Maggie Gyllenhaal and Rose Wilder Lane
John Travolta and unknown man from the 1860′s
Jay-Z and a unknown man from Harlem
Ellen DeGeneres and Henry David Thoreau
Charlie Sheen ...or John Brown
Johnny Depp ...or Thomas Tallis, an English composer and church musician from the 1500's
Brad Pitt ...or Hermann Rorschach in a photo from 1910
Conan O'Brien...or Marshall Harvey Twitchell, a Union Army Soldier
John Krasinski...or journalist Carl Adolph Feilberg from the 1800's
Nicolas Cage ...or unknown man from circa 1870
Justin Timberlake ...or this old-timey criminal
Rupert Grint ...or Sir David Wilkie, a Scottish painter from the 1800's

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